March/April 2021 Campaign - RAINN

"Every 73 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted."

Let that sink in . . . 

Every human being, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation, deserves to feel safe, respected, and empowered. Over the years, it has left me in saddened awe to hear so many stories both of individuals I personally know as well as indirect acquaintance, whom have been impacted by sexual violence. 

There is absolutely no place for it on this planet.

This is why I am ecstatic to state that Actions Over Words Lifestyle will be campaigning in efforts to support RAINN, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN curates programs to prevent sexual violence, providing aid to sexual violence victims/survivors, bringing perpetrators to justice. From involvement within public policy to consulting services, their mission is not only to provide awareness on this immense issue, but also taking the necessary action to produce legitimate change.

Given the gravity of this matter, we will be dedicating our efforts towards RAINN for both March and April. 

Our theme and focus for these months is simply to be good - not overthinking or forcing extravagant acts of kindness, simply acting with the betterment of others in mind. Our merchandise will be designed to capture this ideal, so that we will be able to better embrace the cause and successively share the message. 


With the utmost sincerity, I appreciate each and every single one of you. Any results produced will always be a reflection of our efforts. Let us continue to make a difference - together.